White rose on a dish


Prayer is the foundation of Mothers of the Sorrowful Rose.


Construir una comunidad de Ángeles de Oración para defender a las madres que se sienten indignas o rechazan la misericordia y el perdón de Dios.

The Prayer Angels is an advocacy group comprised of members championing for mercy and healing for mothers suffering the loss of their children due to abortion, addiction, abduction, abandonment, altered gender, and abuse.  We do this by asking our Blessed Mother to deliver our requests to her Son, Jesus Christ for His endless gift of forgiveness and love.


There are many factors as to why we must pray for these mothers:

  • They do not believe or have faith in the power for prayer
  • They do not believe in God
  • They may be resentful or angry with God
  • They may feel that they are not worthy of God’s love and forgiveness
  • They may suffer from mental health issues

For many, we are the only voice they have and we are committed in using it for their well-being.  Our belief is that faithful prayer is a powerful tool that has the capacity to bring about many miracles. 


“Faith furnishes prayer with wings, without which it cannot soar to heaven” – St. John Climacus.


Please join us via Zoom every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. est. to pray our seven decade rosary advocating for healing and self-forgiveness.


Zoom info.  TBD


If you would like to be a Prayer Angel member, please reach out to us by completing the Contact form.