Mothers of the Sorrowful Rose

Who We Are

Mothers of the Sorrowful Rose is a prayer advocacy group dedicated to mothers grieving the loss of their children due to abortion, addiction, adoption, abduction, abandonment, altered gender, and abuse.  We believe that prayer is a powerful tool that inspires hope, and the confidence that our Lord Jesus Christ is listening.  Our merciful Savior does not look at our faults, He looks at our ailing heart to heal, make it whole to love, and spread that love to others for His glory.  “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39


Our arsenal is the Holy Rosary and our champion is our Blessed Mother whom we depend on for her intercession.  She is our example of indominable strength who can identify with the grief of losing a child.  Just as she rushed to take care of her cousin Elizabeth who was with child (Luke 1:39-56), so we will run in fervent prayer to take care of our mothers with the urgency that our Blessed Mother demonstrated.


To build a Prayer Angels community to advocate for mothers who feel unworthy or reject God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Categorical Prayer Topic and Summary


Weekly community prayers advocating for mothers who feel unworthy or reject God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Scriptures and notes of love and reassurance.
Bouquet of Peach Roses


Support and educational materials.

This is a community of love and mercy and we invite all to help bring healing and blessings to all mothers through our most powerful tool…  Prayer.